Generator Dryland Pasture Seed Mixes:

Specialty Seed offer a specialist range of Dryland farm seed mixes:

Please feel free to browse through these and when you’ve found the one that most suits your needs you can contact us. Also remember that we also custom blend to your individual requirements.

We offer:

Generator Dryland blend. A blend suitable for dryland situations. Do not drill if dry and hot summer conditions are expected during mid-November until the start of February.
Tall fescue: Hummer with Max P endophyte.
Perennial ryegrass: Rohan NEA2
White clover x Caucasian cross:
Sub clover: A blend of Seaton Park and Antas
Recommended sowing rate @ 28 kgs per hectare
We advise the addition of 4 kgs Force 4 Lucerne for best results. Chicory may also be added.If direct drilling, we strongly recommend the use of Pest Go pasture seedling protection.
Generator Tall fescue / Prairie grass blend. Mix Description
A blend of Tall fescue/Meadow fescue and Prairie grass suitable for all stock types. Excellent year-round growth and insect resistance. Works well in dryland situations throughout New Zealand.
Hummer Max P endophyteTall fescue

(7 kgs per hectare)

Hummer is a soft leaved and fine tillered early heading cultivar with very impressive late winter and early spring growth potential. Hummer is an ideal option for irrigated or summer rainfall pastures. It’s root structure and the strong crowning habit of Hummer helps it to be naturally tolerant of grass grub while the presence of MaxP® endophyte extends its insect tolerance markedly.
Nouga tall fescue(7 kgs per hectare) Traditional perennial ryegrasses can struggle in warm climates, but RGT Nouga tall fescue tolerates heat and uses water efficiently to be highly productive even in challenging temperatures. It also resists pests more effectively
Atom Prairie grass(6 kgs per hectare) Atom prairie grass is an alternative short to long-rotation option for high quality feed requirements. The nil endophyte forage, palatable seed heads, potentially high legume and herb content, and summer heat tolerance, is a perfect fit for late-spring, summer and autumn finishing of young stock. Atom prairie grass also has good winter production, like short-rotation ryegrasses, making it a useful pasture tool at this time of year.
Savvy cocksfoot(2 kgs per hectare) Savvy cocksfoot is a high yielding and very productive cocksfoot. It is characterised not only by its soft leaves, but also its potential to have very long leaves Savvy has been bred to lift the seasonal while holding pasture quality. Savvy is particularly strong for dry matter production in late spring and summer while maintaining high growth rate potential in autumn and winter.
Brace white clover(1 kg per hectare) Brace was selected after extensive evaluation in the Waikato, Northland, Manawatu and Canterbury with proven persistence, high yield and adaptive to current environmental conditions in the presence of pests and current fertiliser practices. .
Relish red clover(2 kgs per hectare) Relish red clover is a major advancement in red clover breeding. It has shown outstanding persistence compared to current alternative varieties. It is ideally suited to pasture mixes where its growth habit should help to maintain red clover content over time.
Choice chicory(1 kg per hectare) Choice is very productive over spring, summer and autumn, and is moderately active in mid-winter depending on the region of use. It is also one of the
most drought tolerant plants available which is most expressed in fertile free draining soil.
Ecotain plantain(1 kg per hectare) Ecotain® is a natural, environmentally friendly forage solution and it is the only product currently proven to reduce nitrate leaching as modelled by Overseer