Mixed Pasture Blends:
The following range of pasture seed blends has been designed for the growing group of clients who are for a variety of reasons, looking for a alternative to the standard rye /clover/ pasture herb mixes. These reasons may include feeding different stock types, extra performance on dry land farms, increased stock health, organic farming to name but a few.
We have designed these mixes in conjunction with Mr David Musgrave a recognised expert in the field of mixed pasture blends.
Cultivars that are used in these mixes can be purchased as bare seed options currently making them suitable for organic systems.
Please feel free to browse through these and when you’ve found the one that most suits your needs you can contact us.
We offer:
Tall Fescue / Timothy Blend | |
The Mix: | Use for: |
Tall Fescue | A permanent pasture mix of deep rooting, palatable and productive species designed to give improved animal production under both dryland and irrigated conditions. Will greatly reduce problems with thistles, grass grub, drought and staggers compared to a ryegrass-based pasture.Recommended sowing @ 25 kgs per hectare |
Timothy | |
Red Clover | |
White Clover | |
Cocksfoot | |
Chicory | |
Plantain | |
Phalaris |
Lucerne pasture mix | ||
The Mix: | Cultivar Description | Use for: |
Lucerne | Lucerne: SF 914QL | Highly productive, even in very dry years. Will provide excellent animal performance from a balanced diet.A weed free lucerne stand – particularly aggressive against Californian and other thistles.
Makes excellent hay, which even fussy eaters like hoggets love to eat. Bare lucerne seed requires innoculation |
Tall Fescue | Tall Fescue: Nouga | |
Prairie Grass | Prairie Grass: Bareno | |
Timothy | ||
Chicory | ||
Plantain | ||
Phalaris | ||
Recommended sowing @ 21 kgs per hectare |
Brome pasture mix | |
The Mix: | Use for: |
Brome | A highly productive pasture designed to last between 3 – 4 seasons and to have reasonable tolerance of grass grub, thistles, and drought.Recommended sowing rate
32 kgs per hectare |
Chicory | |
Plantain | |
Red Clover | |
White Clover |
Generator Extras for the Mixed Pasture Seed Mixes | ||
The Seed: | Seed Description: | Recommended use rate: |
Cocksfoot | Cocksfoot is a very persistent perennial grass that tolerates summer dry conditions, moderate soil fertility, insect attack and continual set stocking. | 2 to 4 kgs per hectare |
Chicory | Chicory has a deep, tap like, rooting system, and provides excellent stock health attributes and summer performance. | 1 to 2 kgs per hectare |
Plantain | A fibrous broadleaf mineral rich pasture herb. | 500 grams to 1 kg per hectare |
Red Clover | A tap rooted clover with very high feed value, with excellent summer production. | 2 to 5 kgs per hectare |
Timothy | Very palatable to all stock types care must be taken to avoid over grazing. Has very high herbage quality features. | 2 to 3 kgs per hectare |
Phalaris | Phalaris grows with vigour during the Autumn, Winter and Spring but is semi – dormant during the Summer. | 1 to 2 kgs per hectare |
Persian Clover | Persian Clover is a highly productive, palatable and nutritious annual clover. Recommended cultivars: Enrich |
3 to 6 kgs per hectare |