Enrich Persian Clover is a special purpose forage legume break crop from Specialty Seeds in New Zealand.
Enrich Persian Clovers is a highly nutritious, soft seeded, and can be used in multiple grazing or silage situations. Enrich can be either autumn or spring sown.
It is a valuable pasture species with the following attributes:
Enrich Persian clover is a suitable in mixes with Annual or Italian ryegrass (such as Devour or Kano), Brassica, with Forage Cereal Crops and in one of our pasture seed mixes. Enrich has a high yield, large leaf size and most importantly a late flowering trait. When compared to sub clover, balensa clover and other persian clovers, Enrich has increased dry matter yields and better persistence.
For for more information please click here to download the Enrich Flyer.
For any other enquiries on Blitz please click here to contact Specialty Seeds.
Click here to view trial data on Enrich Persian Clover.
Persian Clover Establishment Guide:
(Sowing Rates: Alone: 5-8kg / ha Mix: 2-5 kgs / ha)
Persian clover is best adapted to clay loams to heavy clay soils. Best growth is on alkaline soils. Salinity tolerance is better than sub clover, but worse than balansa.
Best results are obtained from sowing no deeper one centimeter into a well prepared seedbed since Persian clover has very small seed. Deep sowing is the major factor reducing establishment and subsequent production. A level and even soil surface is important to ensure good seed placement. Recommended sowing rates for dryland are at least 5kg/ha (pure) and 2-5kg/ha (mixes), and 6-8kg/ha under irrigation.
If used for a one year forage legume break crop, higher sowing rates to maximise early herbage production and weed competition are recommended. Inoculation with Group O iinoculation is recommended.
Persian clover recovers well from grazing, providing it is allowed to attain complete ground cover before being regrazed. A high proportion of mature seed consumed by stock passes through the rumen undigested and should germinate in the dung. Seedling regeneration in autumn is promoted by removing most of the dry plant residues over summer by grazing. Grazing regenerating swards in autumn is important to prevent weeds smothering Persian clover seedlings.
Sowing Persian clover in a mix with Annual or Italian ryegrass, or oats will reduce the risk of bloat and spread production. Remove grazing animals at the first sign of flowering until seed maturity to optimise seed yield.
For more information on Enrich Persian Clover please contact us at Specialty Seeds..