Issue 89 / Spring / September 2017
Hi [firstname]
Welcome to the September edition of the SeedData newsletter.
As I write this the sun is shining and things are starting to dry out... it must be getting ready to rain again!
At the start of this month Specialty Seeds arranged for some of our clients to visit two local research farms to bring them up to speed with the latest developments in seed technology.
We spent an afternoon at the PGG Wrightsons, Kimihia research farm at Lincoln and a morning at Agriseeds research farm in Courtenay.
Both these farms are a credit to their respective companies and from my point of view are a great illustration of the time, effort and expense that go into supplying our clients with the latest in seed technologies.
In this months newsletter, we look at a new option for dryland summer feed, talk about 'Platform' the latest diploid perennial ryegrass release from PGG Wrightsons Seeds, and update you all with some new brassicas that have been released this spring.
Please browse these topics below:
Forage King - A new dryland summer feed option.
Okay so maybe Forage King is not completely new (I can remember selling this over 30 years ago) so maybe we just call it reinvented?
I'm talking about using maize as a summer green feed option as it works particularly well in a dry land situation.
As we all know maize is a deep rooting plant and is among the most water efficient plants in the world. This trait gives this crop reliable yields even under dry growing conditions.
The thing I like about this crop is its simplicity - fertilize, plant, spray weeds and graze - easy. There are no bug, disease or stock health issues to worry about and stock love it!
Incorporate 30 kgs per hectare Easy start TE Max fertilizer pre-drill or with the seed if direct drilling.
Planting dates are the same as maize typically mid - October until mid/end of November, spray out the weeds soon after drilling and start grazing.
Yields will depend on when you start to graze it, normally from mid January on. We suggest the time to start is when the crop gets to your waist in height.
Grazing can go through until the end of April and yields can range from between 8-14 tonnes DM/ha.
Green feed maize is low in protein and therefore normally fed in conjunction with a higher protein feed such as a good grass run-off paddock, grass or Lucerne baleage.
We have two suppliers of seed for green feed maize but our preference is to run with one called Forage King from Pioneer as they are putting the time and effort into research and to date I've never had anything but high quality seed from them.
You will find more information on growing and using this great option in the booklet (click on the image above or see link below).
This booklet is great but my only comment is that the boys from Pioneer certainly include every conceivable cost in their table.
I know we can grow it cheaper for you so don't be to put off with it.. Click here to talk to us.
Download Link: Download the Forage King flyer.
Contact Link: Contact Specialty Seeds if you have any other questions.
Platform diploid perennial ryegrass.
As mentioned early this month we spent a morning looking around PGG Wrightsons Seed's Kimihia research farm.
It was a most interesting afternoon. We learnt about the latest Clean crop products, some of the new brassicas due to be released and we were introduced to their latest diploid perennial ryegrass called Platform.
Platform like many of the new perennial ryegrasses has got genetics from New Zealand and North-west Spain in its breeding.
This is done to provide that happy marriage of mid to late flowering dates but still having very good winter production.
It does however often throw up some quirks of nature and Platform is classed as a Lolium boucheanum (not Lolium Perenne) as it has a low frequency of tip awns (hairs) on its seed.
Platform has high year-round dry matter production with a +12 flowering date and comes with AR37 endophyte.
Platform is not recommended for deer farmers but outside of that suitable for all stock types throughout New Zealand.
Platform is ideal under a rotational grazing system as it has a medium leaf size and high tiller density.
Please click on the following link for more information on Platform or contact us.
Download Link: Download the Platform Ryegrass flyer.
Contact Link: Contact Specialty Seeds if you have any questions.
Spring Brassica updates.
In last months SeedData newsletter we showed you some changes that have been made to the Clean Crop brassica range.
In this month I'd like to talk about some of the new conventional brassicas available this Spring.
Agricom is introducing two new brassicas into the market this Spring they are Mainstar rape and Sovereign Gold kale.
Eventually both these new products will replace Winfred rape and Sovereign kale.
These two cultivars have been used successfully for many years the new ones have big boots to fill!
We have a limited amount of both these new brassicas available for you this Spring.
Check out a quick summary of these below:
Mainstar Rape.
- 75 day maturity
- Multi graze
- Direct Winfred replacement (better aphid tolerance)
- Excellent stem quality
- Fully commercial next year
- Gaucho treated
Sovereign Gold Kale.
- Direct Sovereign replacement
- Greater yield with good leaf to stem ratio
- Late flowering (like Sovereign)
- Gaucho treated
- Medium high yielding type
- Not yet fully commercial
Clutha Gold Swede.
PGG Wrightsons Seeds have announced that while Aparima Gold is available this season it is going to be replaced by Clutha Gold.
Clutha Gold has been available for two years already and this year seed supply is expected to be able to meet the demand expected for it.
Clutha Gold in several years trials throughout New Zealand proved to be higher in yield than most other swede cultivars and below is a summary of it:
- Sowing Rate: 1.5 kg/ha
- Days to Grazing From 170 to 250
- Potential Yield 18,000 kg DM/ha
- Utilisation: 80%
- New Zealand Bred
- Yellow Fleshed bulb with medium maturity
- Club root and dry rot tolerant
For more information on Clutha Gold please follow the link below.
Website Link: Download the Clutha Gold Swede website page.
Contact Link: Contact Specialty Seeds if you have any further questions on any of these products.
Finchy's photos of the month.
Specialty Seeds were happy to sponsor the Lincoln Under 8 rugby team this season. Good job team!
Specialty Seeds arranged a training day at Kimihia Research farm recently.
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As always, we hope this issue has been of some value to you. If you have a comment on this newsletter or anything on our website, please give us a call on our Freephone: 0800 727 8873, send us an email at: mail@specseed.co.nz.
Kind Regards
Stephen Finch & David Percival
Specialty Seeds - New Zealand
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