Issue 78 / Spring / September 2016
Hi [firstname]
Welcome to the September 2016 SeedData newsletter.
First up I must say sorry it's a bit later than normal in coming out this month.
The sole reason for this, is that the Spring appears to be an unusually early one this year, which has made all our staff busier than normal.
Some of our clients are saying that following a relatively mild winter they are sowing new pastures (e.g. fodder beet, Lucerne paddocks etc) up to one month earlier this year!
Over the last few days I've travelled around the South Island a bit and certainly agree with them.
It is definitely an early Spring and in some places you can almost see the grass grow.
It's also been great to get some much needed positive news for our dairy clients, as I remember this time last year the outlook got bleaker every time you watched the news.
In this month's edition we talk about a new maize company, VPMaxx, we hear about one of their new cultivars, and remind ourselves about the Velvetleaf incursion last season.
Please browse these topics below:
New Maize company set to go - VPMaxx
It seems a long time ago but in 2014 a new maize seed company, VPMaxx, set up shop in New Zealand.
Soon after starting up they came knocking on Specialty Seeds door.
Specialty Seeds have been in the industry for a reasonably long time now (23 years and counting) but we still remember the start up days clearly.
We remember how much we appreciated the support from other businesses during the time, and so we are always keen continue to support other new companies.
There are some great reasons to look at VPMaxx's maize cultivars this season:
- VPMaxx are very careful in their range selection. They gave us some samples of their cultivars to put beside and evaluate against the ones we are currently selling.
All their hybrids they sell are grown right here in New Zealand by New Zealand growers.
- VPMaxx intend to use modern selling techniques where they don't intend to have a company rep in every port, unlike some of their opposition companies.
This of course will make them more cost competitive and these cost savings will get past on to their customers. These techniques are becoming more relevant within our industry every year.
Their vision statement clearly spells out this company's desire to embrace modern technology and only bring the best products onto the market.
Last season we tried some of their new maize hybrids and we were very happy with the end results.
This season we are going to market their 93 day CRM (Comparative Relative Maturity) cultivar VP432 in the South Island and their other four hybrids to our North Island clients.
VPMaxx - VP432 Maize Hybrid
As mentioned above, VP432 is a 93 day CRM type suitable for either silage or grain production.
Results from the trial work conducted on this cultivar show it to have:
- very good drought tolerance
- excellent stalk strength
- and very good disease resistant traits.
VP432 is a 93 day CRM make this cultivar very South Island suitable.
There will be limited seed available of VP432 and please feel free to contact Specialty Seeds.
If you would like more information on this cultivar or any of their other four hybrids, please click on the links below:
Download Link: Download the VP432 Brochure sheet
Website Link: Learn more about VPMaxx website for more information..
Website Link: Check out the Maize options on the Specialty Seeds website.
Contact Link: Contact Specialty Seeds if you have any other questions.
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Stop the spread of Velvetleaf
Last season as most of you are aware there was a major incursion of a new weed called Velvetleaf.
This weed was introduced among several lines of pellet fodder beet seed. MPI and the industry's response was swift, wide reaching and effective.
However, this said it would be wrong for us to think this problem has been solved and I personally think this new weed is now here to stay.
It was great to see the partnership between MPI and the seed industry in action during the incursion.
It was also good to see the measures put in place to help lessen the odds of this kind of incursion happening again.
As we are now starting into the first Spring after the incursion, it's also good see all parties getting together again.
This time the output was the production of a booklet giving useful information on how to help stop the spread of Velvetleaf.
You will find a copy of this leaflet available by clicking on the image, or the links below within this newsletter.
I do urge you to download it, and take the time to read it, particularly if you have had velvetleaf discovered on your farm.
As always, please contact us if you have any questions.
Download Link: Download a Velvetleaf weed information brochure for more information.
Contact Link: Contact Specialty Seeds if you have any questions or would like to make an order.
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As always, we hope this issue has been of some value to you. If you have a comment on this newsletter or anything on our website, please give us a call on our Freephone: 0800 727 8873, send us an email at: mail@specseed.co.nz.
Kind Regards
Stephen Finch & David Percival
Specialty Seeds - New Zealand
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