Shogun NEA tetraploid ryegrass
Around this time last year we started to hear a about a new hybrid ryegrass released from NZ Agriseeds called Shogun NEA.
Unfortunately Shogun NEA was one of the many late flowering types that had a difficult harvest last Autumn and so no seed was on the market for the Autumn. However we are lucky enough to have a small allocation for this Spring.
As Shogun NEA is so good for
under sowing we thought it a great time to put it in front of you again.
Shogun NEA is as mentioned ideal for under sowing and but it has other benefits in that it's fast to establish, can produce high dry matter yields and will give you the flexibility of increased persistence over the traditional Italian types that are typically used to repair Winter pugged paddocks.
This increased persistence comes from Shogun NEA being a hybrid and also the fact it has NEA endophyte bred into it. As mentioned we have a small allocation ready to go so if you wish to try some Shogun NEA this Spring please
contact Specialty Seeds
Download: Please click here for the
Shogun ryegrass Technical Manual here
(Useful under sowing tips in here!)
Contact Link: Please
contact Specialty Seeds for ryegrass advice for your area.
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Product Supply Warning: Lucerne Shortage
Owing to a less than average harvest in both New Zealand and Australia the top performing Lucerne cultivars are in short supply.
Some have sold out already, so please
contact us regarding your Spring requirements sooner rather than later.
Contact Link: Contact Specialty Seeds for any Lucerne questions.
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Maize for Silage
Maize season is just around the corner again so we thought it a great time to update you on the silage maize options for the coming spring.
There are currently three main companies supplying the growing demand for maize seed in New Zealand they are, Corson through PGG Wrightsons, Pacific Seeds and Pioneer through Genetic Technologies. Outside of these three big players there is a range of smaller companies selling maize seed mostly coming from Australian maize breeding programs.
Specialty Seeds have access to all of the cultivars from the big three for a quote on your maize seed supplies please
click here.
Corson Maize Seed.
Corsons have been in the maize business for a very long time but since their recent sale to PGG Wrightsons seeds have changed from a North Island maize seed supplier into a true nationwide distributor of maize seeds. Corsons current range of 7 silage and 5 silage/grain maize cultivars range from 85 days CRM to 111 days CRM.
Corsons work alongside leading maize breeding companies in Europe and the US this, plus a very experienced staff suggest to me that they could be seen as the rising star in New Zealand's maize seed supply chain. As many of you may not be familiar with the latest from Corson so click here to check out their range.
More information: Click here to view the full
Corson Maize Range
Pacific Seeds.
Pacific seeds have released 5 to 6 new cultivars and they range from 87 days CRM to 114 days CRM 2 of these new releases are silage specific and 4 are dual purpose silage / grain. This brings their range to 12 maize cultivars on the market.
Pacific seed also supply an extensive range of other forages i.e. Sorghum, sweet sorghum and sunflowers. Below is a link to Pacific Seeds 2012-2013 brochure full of information on their maize and forage cultivars.
More information: Click here to view the full
Pacific Seeds Seed Guide brochure
Pioneer have released eight new hybrids this season ranging from 72 days CRM to 116 days CRM which pretty much covers all the maize growing regions in New Zealand. These new cultivars along with their other range give Pioneer 23 silage maize cultivars (last count). Pioneer also back up their maize cultivars with extensive support both in the field and printed material. I have cut through some of this and if you follow the below link you will be able to get information on the new and other in their product range.
More information: Click here to view the full
Pioneer Maize Range
Contact Link: Contact Specialty Seeds if you have any Maize questions.
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Slug problems ?
With many of our clients starting their spring pasture renovation or crop sowing program we thought it a timely reminder on just how damaging slugs can be. There aren't many pests that can totally wipe out a whole paddock of your new sow down but slugs can. I was told once by a slug expert that for every slug you can see you properly have missed 50.
If you are direct drilling paddocks please take the time to lay down some wet jute sacks (if you can find some) or weighted down sheets of ply wood, leave them for a couple of days then lift and count the slug numbers. If you find over 5 per sack (or equal size of plywood) then you should seriously consider using slug baits.
Our Recommendation:
We have done a lot of research over the years and the product we think is the best for the job is called "
Dusk's weather resistant formulation is relatively new on the market; the pellets contain iron which is bound into a complex, when the slug (or snails) eats the pellets this iron is released into the gut.
The reason we like Dusk is that it quickly kills the slugs and snails and also is uniquely toxic to slugs and snails, therefore safe on earth worms and safe to use around other animals, pets and birds.
Directions for Use:
- Use 15 kg/ha
- Application can be made before, during or after sowing
- Apply evenly over the ground surface
- For band application along rows, apply as close as possible to the plants
- Application is best made after rain or irrigation when slugs and snails become more active
- Do not apply onto edible plant parts
Drilling with seed:
- Use 10 kg/ha
- Apply through the granule applicator hopper or mixed in with the seed
- Only use where the drill leaves an open slot allowing slug's access to the baits
- Otherwise broadcast the baits as above
When stored appropriately this product should show no significant degradation for 2 years from the date of manufacture.
For further information about the use of a product that is older than this please
contact us.
For a price on Dusk
contact Specialty Seeds, we can deliver anywhere within New Zealand.
Contact Link: Contact
Specialty Seeds for your slug problems.
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Road Trip - Aber High Sugar Grass Field Days 2012
Germinal Seeds have arranged a series of farmer field days throughout New Zealand during mid October until mid November 2012.
The aim of these field days are to explain the advantages of High Sugar Grasses, information on improving your pasture persistence and to introduce to you some of the new products to be released in New Zealand by Germinal Seeds.
The Aber High Sugar Grass Field Days will also have a range of interesting speakers at each field day and I would strongly recommend you attend if pasture persistence is important to you.
For details of the one closest to you please click here to download the
Aber High Sugar Grass Field Days brochure.
Contact Link: For any other questions please
contact Specialty Seeds.
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As always, we hope this issue has been of some value to you. If you have a comment on this newsletter or anything on our website, please give us a call on our
Freephone: 0800 727 8873, send us an email at:
Kind Regards
Stephen Finch & David Percival
Specialty Seeds - New Zealand