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Issue 90 / Spring / October 2017
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Welcome to the October edition of the Seedata newsletter and I’m sorry it’s a bit late but we have been rather busy over the last two weeks. In that regard we are no different from our farming clients!

Rain has continued to be an issue for most of our clients and when it starts to dry out our phone starts ringing flat out.

As we have been busy I haven’t had much of an opportunity to get out into the field as much as I like to and the only day I did it poured down…still better than sitting in front of a computer screen all day though.

In this month’s newsletter we talk a bit about the update on our improvements we are making to our Pest Go seed treatments and we take a look at pelleted swede seed.

Please browse these topics below:

Pest Go Seed Treatment updates.

For the last two years we have been using our seed treatments under the name of either Pest Go pasture seed treatment or Pest Go brassica seed treatment. Many of our clients are seeing the benefits of controlling establishment insect pests using seed treatment and much of our seed is now sold with it on.

We are always looking for ways to add value to our client’s bottom line and as part of this process we are always interested in new technologies. We have been aware that there are products in the market when added to seed treatments they enhance the establishment of the crop. Over the last two-three years we have looked at several different ones before settling on one that we prefer - Wuxal Terios Zn.

Wuxal Terios Zn.

One of the many reasons we were attracted to Wuxal is the fact that for as long as I’ve been in the business, so have they. This long-established company supply many thousands of growers worldwide their foliar fertilisers, bio stimulants, suspensions and seed treatment products.

  • WUXAL Terios Zn is a micronutrient suspension for Seed Treatment with Nitrogen, Boron, Copper, Manganese, Molybdenum and Zinc.
  • WUXAL Terios Zn helps to create an even distribution on the surface and sticks extraordinary well on the seeds.
  • It is used in combination with other seed treatments like insecticides, and has excellent crop safety with fully chelated cationic micronutrients. This means there is no binding to soil, which supports germination and more uniform seedling development, promoting early plant growth under stressed conditions and improved seedling vitality and health.

With all this presented to us we are happy to say that starting on or around the beginning of November both our pasture and brassica seed treatments will have this product added to them. The best news is there’s no extra cost to our clients for this improvement!


Information Link: Learn more about Pest Go Seed Treatments.
Contact Link: Contact Specialty Seeds if you have any further questions on Wuxal Terios.

Pelleted swede seed available but supply is limited.

Over the last few months we have introduced you to the two new swedes released from PGG Wrightsons Seeds - Clean Crop Hawkstone swedes and Clutha Gold swedes.

Both of these high yielding swedes arrived on the scene when the area of swedes looks to be increasing particularly in the South of the South Island. To refresh your memory on these two great new cultivars please follow the links below.

PGG Wrightsons have listened to what their clients want and will this season have a limited supply of both of these swede cultivars as a pelleted seed, suitable for use in precision seed planters.

They will be provided in buckets - each bucket containing 90,000 seeds in them. Interestingly like fodder beet it appears 90,000 seeds per hectare is the optimum number.

Should you have an interest in getting some pelleted swede seed please contact us.

Information Link: Click here for more information on Clutha Gold Swede
Information Link: See more information on Clean Crop Hawkstone Swede
Contact Link: Contact Specialty Seeds if you have any further questions.

Finchy's photos video of the month.

Young Jarred Percival is one of our valued staff members. A natural sports man - Jarred plays representative rugby for Mid Canterbury. Recently playing against Wanganui, full time was up and Wanganui was ahead 39 -37. Mid Canterbury won a penalty from a long way out. Jarred stepped up and I hope you enjoy the results. I certainly did!

Click on the image above or here to view the video.
As always, we hope this issue has been of some value to you. If you have a comment on this newsletter or anything on our website, please give us a call on our Freephone: 0800 727 8873, send us an email at:

Kind Regards

Stephen Finch / David Percival

Stephen Finch & David Percival
Specialty Seeds - New Zealand


This was another informative "SeedData Newsletter" - brought to you by Specialty Seeds NZ

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