Specialty Seeds are pleased to sponsor several winter green feed competitions that are judged at this time of year. Generally held by an areas local A & P associations these competitions play a valuable role I feel.
By showing farmers local success stories they can help to improve yields of these crops at the local level.
Each year we see the number of attendees to judging days grow as most farmers are always keen to see over the fence at anything that will improve their outcomes.
Congratulations to Kevin Wells who won the Supreme Champion (Des McGrath challenge cup) at the recently held Oxford winter green feed competition.
Kevin got 1st prize in the irrigated Kale and permanent pasture categories had the most outstanding grass/cereal and most points overall. As more results come to hand I'll pass them on.
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Fodder beet trial inspection
Fodder beet crops have been another impressive crop despite the dry summer conditions we recently have had.
While there is no doubt they have been affected by the dry spell, the yield results we are getting are very good.
The fact that Fodderbeet has a very efficient water tap root and is not as badly affected with insects as some other brassica had a lot to do with this.
We were recently invited to go out into the field to inspect DLF seeds fodder beet trial in Ashburton. DLF are one of the major fodder beet plant breeding and supply company's world wide and had several of their very latest cultivars under trial.
The new cultivars were being compared to the DLF range of Fodderbeet that include Kyros, Magnum and Feldherr.
As the new ones showed promise it is probable that some of these new cultivars will be released onto the market in the near future, if so we will keep you informed with their progress.
Also within the trial was an area set aside to look at different nitrogen applications on fodder beet crops.
Once again once the results have been correlated we will show them to you.
Contact Link: For more information on Fodder beet
contact Specialty Seeds.
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As always, we hope this issue has been of some value to you. If you have a comment on this newsletter or anything on our website, please give us a call on our
Freephone: 0800 727 8873, send us an email at:
Kind Regards
Stephen Finch & David Percival
Specialty Seeds - New Zealand