The importance of Seed depth
I would say that in nearly every complaint we get incorrect seed depth would be the most common denominator. Normally it is a case where the seed goes in to deeply and often in conjunction poor seed bed preparation.
Trials have shown in wheat for example that when wheat was sown deeper than 4 cm it significantly delayed and reduced seedling emergence & seed production and seed placed at 8 cm (and I have seen this) resulted in an 82% failure in emergence.
Brassica is particularly sensitive seed planting depth and seeds planted in the range between 1 and 2.5 cm's produce the highest total number of seedling emerged after 15 days, this trial also showed seed sown in this range had higher seedling emergence than seed placed on the soil surface.
Brassica seed that was drilled at 5 cm's (I have seen this often) had significantly slower emergence and poorer seedling survival.
The optimum planting depth is that depth that producers the greatest number of live seedlings that will survive to become mature plants, typically a planting depth of 2-3 times the size of the seed is the optimum planting depth.
I believe that if we can establish our crops and pastures more consistently it will result in higher yields, better animal performance and ultimately increased profitability.
As part of our program of putting information in front of our clients that will lead to better plant establishment we, with the help of Bayer Crop Science have had made some very handy plant depth indicators. This useful tool has been designed for all our farmer, contractor and advisory clients and will allow them to accurately measure just how deep the seed they are sowing is going in at drilling.
FREE GIVEAWAY - How to order a plant depth indicator:
If you would like your very own plant depth indicator all you have to do is send Stephen Finch an email at In your email please include your New Zealand
postal address and your
preferred quantity of seed depth indicators, and we will post these to you completely free of charge.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to
contact Specialty Seeds.
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Clean Crop Brassica System
Last season saw the limited release of a new concept in seed sales in New Zealand when PGG Wrightsons released a range of brassica that are tolerant of a particular herbicide (Telar®) under the clean crop brassica system called HT Brassica.
This season will see the release of HT Brassica with more fan fare as last year's limited release was being used to test the systems of distribution. It should be noted however this season's release still has limitations placed on it.
In my opinion this is a major breakthrough for many of our farmers clients who struggle to control difficult weeds in their brassica crop including but not limited to, wild turnip, fathen, Spurry (Yarr) , Californian thistle and others. With HT Brassica you simply drill the paddock (cultivated or direct drilled) spray straight after drilling and job done.
The range of HT Brassicas currently include a HT Swede, HT Rape, HT Bulb turnip (green globe type) and a HT Leafy turnip ( Pasja type), with work well under way on an HT Kale.
PGG Wrightsons is now the only plant breeding company worldwide actively breeding brassica for animals. HT brassica were found by natural selection as part of this breeding program and have been traditionally bred. The clean crop system simplifies the weed control particularly in areas with high weed infestation.
Before the release of the HT range the PGG Wrightsons plant breeding team set the bar high for them in terms of agronomic performance to be the equal or better than the similar brassica currently in the market.
Potential uses of this system are talked to one on one to carefully explain how the system works and too ensure all users fully understand the requirements and benefits of using this ground breaking technology.
If you would like to talk to us about HT Brassica please
contact Specialty Seeds or click on the links below for more information:
More information: For more information on the
Clean Crop Brassica System please
click here.
Clean Crop Case Study: To see how well the
Clean Crop Brassica System has worked for a farmer
click here.
Contact Link: Contact Specialty Seeds today to see if the Clean Crop Brassica system could work for you.
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Gosh spring is nearly here again and it's time we started to think about Lucerne planting. Although there are plantings in the autumn there is no doubt some crops are better sown in the Spring and Lucerne is no exception.
Planning is the key to a successful Lucerne establishment before you plant your new stand check for the following:
- Free draining soil type
- Soil pH of between 5.8 and 6 (remember it can take 6 months to adjust soil pH deficiency)
- Freedom of perennial weeds i.e. twitch, thistles etc
- Minimum soil fertility levels of Olsen P near 20, sulphur 10+ and potassium 6+
- Think about potential insect issues before drilling in particular grass grub and slugs
- Think about previous chemical usage in the paddock and potential soil residue issues
- Talk to Specialty Seeds about selecting the most suitable cultivar for your needs
Lucerne Cultivar Selection.
Specialty Seeds can offer you any commercially available Lucerne cultivar (see below) however we recommend the following two as being outstanding cultivars:
Icon: Semi dormant type suitable for hay and grazing, for more information please
click here.
SuperSonic: New Zealand's most winter active cultivar. Suitable in grazing situations as it gets away quicker in the spring and is slower going into the winter.
For more information on
SuperSonic please
click here.
Other cultivars available from Specialty Seeds include:
Force 4, Fairdale, Kaituna, Pioneer 54V09, Rhino, Runner, Stamina 5, Torlesse, Wairau and WL 363HQ
Contact Link: Please
click here to get independent Lucerne advice from Specialty Seeds today.
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As always, we hope this issue has been of some value to you. If you have a comment on this newsletter or anything on our website, please give us a call on our
Freephone: 0800 727 8873, send us an email at:
Kind Regards
Stephen Finch & David Percival
Specialty Seeds - New Zealand