14 / 01 / 2011
Hi #subname#
Happy New Year to all from the team at Specialty Seeds !
In this January edition of Specialty Seed's SeedData Newsletter we will preview:
Devour Annual Ryegrass
Devour Annual Ryegrass is a short term annual ryegrass ideal for sowing between January and June. Devour is used in areas where you require a bulk of quick, high quality and palatable feed. Devour can be sown in after maize crops, summer brassicas or Whole Crop Cereal Silage paddocks have reached the end of their growth. Typically our farmer clients use Devour as winter green feed followed by spring silage crops.
At this time of the year Devour is also commonly used in our recommended mixes with winter brassica crops (i.e. turnips or rape). This provides a low cost, bulk of winter green feed. As Devour is a tetraploid, it can keep its leaf quality and palatability well into the winter months making it an ideal partner to these types of brassicas.
Recommended sowing rates:
Sown Alone: 25 kgs per hectare.
Mixed with winter turnips: 15 kgs Devour per hectare + 500 grams gaucho treated Turnips per hectare.
Mixed with rape: 15 kgs Devour per hectare + 2 kgs gaucho treated Rape per hectare.
Website Link: Click here to go to our Popular Brassica Mixes website page.
Website Link: Click here to go to our Devour Annual Ryegrass website page.
Contact Link: Please contact Specialty Seeds for further information and pricing on Devour Annual Ryegrass.
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Kano Italian Ryegrass
Kano Italian ryegrass is a diploid Italian ryegrass that was bred by using the very best local plant breeding material crossed with the best germplasm from overseas.
Kano has been extensively trialled both locally and throughout New Zealand and this information can be viewed on the Kano website page. Kano is suitable for most soil types, fertility ranges and stock types.
Kano can be either Spring or Autumn sown. Kano can be either sown alone, in a mix with brassica (click here to see our used in our recommended mixes) or as part of a permanent pasture seed mix. It is widely used to "stitch in" into pastures that have been winter pugged, succumbed to summer drought or affected by insect damage.
When sown alone, Kano should be sown at between 20 and 25 kgs per hectare. If "stitching in" Kano into run out pastures we recommend a rate of 15 - 20 kgs per hectare of poncho treated seed. If Kano is used in a mix with perennial ryegrasses and clovers, Kano should be used at no more than 5 kgs per hectare.
Website Link: Please click here to go to our Kano Italian Ryegrass page on our Specialty Seeds website.
Contact Link: Please click here to contact Specialty Seeds today for further information and or pricing on Kano Italian Ryegrass.
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AR37 Endophyte Ryegrass Options
AR37 ryegrass has proved to be an extremely popular option for many in 2010. The AR37 endophyte has a number of benefits including improved insect resistance, livestock performance in pure sward and agronomic performance.
- Ryegrasses with AR37 endophyte provide the highest resistance commercially available.
- AR37 provides resistance against five of the main pasture pests in New Zealand pastures, Argentine Stem Weevil, Porina, Mealey Bug, Root Aphid and Adult Black Beetle.
- AR37 has better persistence; and yields on average 12% more drymatter nationally than the same cultivar with standard endophyte.
Last year there were only a few varieties available in AR37 endophyte but in 2011 there are now 9 ryegrasses in total coming available ex harvest. There is now a great range of AR37 varieties with different flowering dates making managing your pastures that little bit easier. Please see the table below for the full list of AR37 ryegrass on the market this year.
The two other tetraploid perennial ryegrasses that don't contain AR37 but contain endophytes that give a similar result particularly where Black Beetle is concerned, are Bealey NEA2 and Quartet II Endo 5.
Website Link: Please click here to learn more about the different Endophyte Options now available.
Contact Link: Please click here to contact Specialty Seeds today for more information on the AR37 ryegrasses.
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We hope this issue has been of some value to you. If you have any comments on this newsletter please feel free to contact us whether it be on our Freephone: 0800 727 8873 or by sending us an email at: mail@specseed.co.nz. We look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards
Stephen Finch & David Percival
Specialty Seeds