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New product releases from DLF Seeds

With an estimated market share of 20% worldwide, DLF-TRIFOLIUM is the world's biggest seed company within the breeding, production, sale and marketing of cool season clover and grass seed species.
DLF-TRIFOLIUM is based in Denmark and owned by Danish seed growers. The company enjoys a strong position on the world market as a supplier of clover and grass seeds for a range of purposes from forage grasses for agriculture to turf grasses for both the professional and private markets.
DLF have been producing, trialling and selling seed in New Zealand for several years now and are pleased to announce 3 new products that are performing very well in New Zealand conditions. Two new perennial ryegrasses Ansa and Bronte that have come from their New Zealand breeding program along with a new tall turf fescue called Tower.
Ansa diploid perennial ryegrass
Ansa is a high performance perennial with very good annual production. Its real strength is in winter, when it yielded better than 10 of the 11 cultivars it was tested against (Yaldhurst 2008).
This makes Ansa and ideal choice for farms wanting to maximise pasture supplies in winter and early Spring.
Flowering Date: +7 days
Endophyte Options: AR1
Bronte diploid perennial ryegrass
Bronte is one of the first diploid perennial ryegrasses to be released from DLF's New Zealand breeding programme. It was bred specifically for our climate and the seasonal needs of farmers.
Bronte can be used on a wide range of farm types and locations. Diploid perennial ryegrasses with AR1 endophyte are the most popular grasses because of the combination of good grazing and insect tolerance, which are important for pasture persistence.
Bronte is a high performance perennial with total production at least equal to current standards tested, and has particularly strong winter and autumn growth (Yaldhurst 2010).
Flowering Date: +13 days
Endophyte Options: AR1
Tower tall fescue
Tower is a soft and palatable tall fescue, with excellent performance in New Zealand conditions.
The late heading date and palatability of Tower makes it ideal for farmers wanting to achieve high animal performance. It is a good alternative where perennial ryegrass struggles to grow or persist due to dry weather, grass grub, or porina.
Tower has a relatively fine leaf and high tiller density, giving it good tolerance to the close grazing that occurs in dryland climates. Tower has very good total growth compared with standards, and is particularly productive from spring to autumn.
Persistence: Long-term
Heading Date: +7 days
Endophyte Options: Nil Endophyte
Farm Type: All classes of stock. Long-term pastures
Sowing Rates: 20 kg/ha
Download Link: Download the
Ansa diploid perennial ryegrass product brochure.
Download Link: Download the
Bronte diploid perennial ryegrass product brochure.
Download Link: Download the
Tower tall fescue product brochure.
Contact Link: For more information on this exciting new range
contact Specialty Seeds.
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Thunder diploid annual ryegrass
Short Term: 9 - 12 months
Sowing Rate: 15 - 20kg / ha
Following the great success we have had with Thunder diploid annual ryegrass in Australia we are looking at trialling the product here in New Zealand.
There is a wide range of
tetraploid annual ryegrasses, like our
Devour, on the market in New Zealand today and they certainly fill the role as providing excellent winter feed and then spring grazing or silage options, their biggest down fall is in the oversowing into pasture that are "running out".
With a tetraploid annual you need to increase your sowing rate from the normal 15 kgs per hectare up to at least 25 kgs per hectare, as the tetraploid types have twice the seed size of a diploids ryegrass.
This increased sowing rate the cost per hectare can make the tetraploids as expensive as the diploid Italians that are commonly used.
This is where Thunder comes in; as it's a diploid with the smaller seed size you can under sow it at 15 kgs and have great results. The cost per hectare will be lower than using Italians and being a annual the production is excellent particularly for the winter / spring period.
In Australian trials, Thunder has shown yield increases over many of the commonly used products that are on the market today, Thunder also has excellent disease resistance and high palatability is another trait of Thunder.
We will have a small amount of Thunder to sell this year and if you would like to try some feel free to give us a call, we will be keen to watch how it goes on your farm.
Website Link: Click here for more information on
Thunder diploid annual ryegrass.
Contact Link: Contact Specialty Seeds if you would like a hard copy brochure sent out to you, or more further information.
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As always, we hope this issue has been of some value to you. If you have a comment on this newsletter or anything on our website, please give us a call on our
Freephone: 0800 727 8873, send us an email at:
Kind Regards
Stephen Finch & David Percival
Specialty Seeds - New Zealand