Issue 69 / Summer / December 2015
Hi [firstname]
Welcome to the December edition of Specialty Seed's SeedData Newsletter.
I am sure most of you, like me, will be wondering where another year has gone as we move into the Christmas season.
In many respects this year has been quite difficult for many of our clients. A long cool Spring led straight into dry conditions in many regions and of course we don't need to mention the dairy pay out.
However that said it will come as no surprise that our clients have been reluctant to cut back on production related activities like pasture seeds and we have once again seen massive growth in the area of fodder beet drilled in both the North and South Islands.
In this months SeedData newsletter we inform you of our new postal address, our Christmas trading hours, and run over some of our best of 2015.
Please browse these topics below:

Our new postal address
Unfortunately we have once again been the victim of the fact that posted mail is a slowly dying form of communication now days.
Our post office box at Fendalton is now no longer and so we have had to move it once again. Our new postal address is:
Specialty Seeds Ltd
P.O. Box 79-118, Avonhead
Christchurch 8446
Apologies again, but it was beyond our control and we were as frustrated as anyone about the change.
Contact Link: Contact Specialty Seeds if you have any other contact questions.
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Merry Christmas and thank you!
On behalf of David, I and all the team at Specialty Seeds I'd like to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
We would also like to thank you for your business during the last year so please keep safe and we look forward to catching up with you all in the New Year.
Please see our Christmas operating hours below. You will see that normal business hours commence on Tuesday the 5th of January.
Should you require any urgent orders outside of these hours please call Stephen on (027) 435 4055.
Thurs 24th Dec:
OPEN : 830 - 12pm
Fri 25th Dec:
Sat 26th Dec:
Sun 27th Dec:
Mon 28th Dec:
Tues 29th Dec:
OPEN : 830 - 1pm
Wed 30st Dec:
OPEN : 830 - 1pm
Thurs 31st Dec:
OPEN : 830 - 1pm
Fri 1st Jan:
Sat 2nd Jan:
Sun 3rd Jan:
Mon 4th Jan:
Tues 5th Jan:
OPEN : 830 - 5pm
Normal business hours continue

Contact Link: Please dont hesitate to contact Specialty Seeds to confirm our open hours.
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Best of 2015
I normally like to take a chance to look back at some of the best things that happened during the 2015 year in the December edition of the Seedata newsletter.
Shear for life.
You may remember back in February we sponsored “Shear for Life”.
This was where two farmers, James Hill from the Teviot Valley and Cole Wells from Tarras, Central Otago, took on the task of shearing cross bred lambs for 24 hours to raise money for the research and treatment of prostate cancer.
The event was held during the weekend of the 28th to 29th February and I was lucky enough to attend.
It was a brilliant example of a local farming community working together and to see them raise $39,000 was great well done to James and Cole and all who helped out!
Website update.
After several months of hard work we were finally able to put our new look web site online for our clients.
From time to time websites need to be updated and our new look site is this companies third complete overhaul.
The new look site went live in early June and after over a year of planning and we are very happy with the end result.
The new site's refreshed and simplified look, combined with enhanced content, improved search functionality and optimization for mobile devices will allow our clients to better interact with Specialty Seeds in the years to come.
Much thanks must go to our web master, Chris Fraser, an ex-employee.
All the way back in August I was lucky enough to go off to do a cycle tour in Kyrgyzstan, in central Asia (get the map out!).
The 14 day tour was run by a New Zealand based Takaka company called “Escape Adventures” and for me it was the second such tour with them I’d been on.
It was right up my alley. Plenty of wide open spaces, camping under the most amazing stars you’ve ever seen, riding beside farms and enjoying all the comforts of a well-run tour.
For the whole time I was on the cycle legs of the tour I never heard or saw an aeroplane fly over us and couldn’t use my cell phone .. perfect!
In our group we had people from New Zealand and Australia ranging in age from 20 to 78. I especially love going to these far out places and seeing how they farm it was really interesting. Like all farmers they work hard for long hours but they are for the most part working in a very tough environment, however they may drink a little more vodka than the average New Zealand farmer!!
It’s surprising how little a tour like this costs and is suitable for people of all fitness levels and ages (see above) as there’s always the bus to get on if you’re tired.
If you have any desire to do something a bit different go check out the Escape Adventures web site and contact Mandy or John. They are the best hosts and I know you would love it!
After many hours of debate I finally succumbed to pressure and put both myself and Specialty Seeds onto the wonderful world of Facebook.
I have to say, I really like it now as it is not only a great way to keep in touch with your friends and family, but it is really easy to keep our clients up to date with the latest news.
In the new year I will be doing a lot more on the Specialty Seeds side of it as well.
Jump onto our Facebook site and “Like Us” to keep up to date with all the latest information. I look forward to seeing you there!
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 As always, we hope this issue has been of some value to you. If you have a comment on this newsletter or anything on our website, please give us a call on our Freephone: 0800 727 8873, send us an email at: mail@specseed.co.nz.
Kind Regards
Stephen Finch & David Percival
Specialty Seeds - New Zealand
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