Pasture Persistence
I was surfing through the different seed companies trial results the other day (sad isn't it) and I found this trial on the Cropmark trial results site that I thought I would share it with you.
This perennial and hybrid ryegrass trial was run over three years over 33 different trial sites from Northland to Southland. It measured dry matter production and dry matter yields during Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring.
The thing that interested me the most wasn't the dry matter yields as such, but it was the drop off in production some of the cultivars suffered from year one until year three.
If my maths are correct the cultivars that had the lowest drop off in dry matter production from year 1 until year 3 are Matrix (5.2% drop), Nui (5.8% drop), Aberdart (5.8% drop) and AR1 Sterling (9.4% drop). I'll leave it up to you to check out the cultivars that had the biggest drop off, but as I say a very interesting trial.
For full trial results:
Cropmark Seeds - Perennial Ryegrass Trials All NZ Trials Summary
Contact Link: Please
click here to get ryegrass advice for your area from Specialty Seeds today.
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Fodder Beet Varieties
Quite rightly in the seed market it doesn't take long before most companies jump onto the band wagon whenever a new market opens. Fodder beet has had real growth over the last 5 years when Seed Force Ltd did a great job in re introducing the advantages of fodder beet to New Zealand's farmers.
Since this time there has been quite an increase in cultivars available to you. Below is an information table showing all of the commercially available cultivars and their strengths and weaknesses.
The information supplied is for farmers planning to grow fodder beet for grazing in situ and it is necessary that this is precision planted. If you would like information on harvesting fodder beet please
contact us.
For more information on individual cultivars please follow these links to see their respective information brochures:
Download: Download the Specialty Seeds
Fodder Beet Growing & Grazing Guide
Contact Link: Contact Specialty Seeds if you have any other questions about Fodder Beet.
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As always, we hope this issue has been of some value to you. If you have a comment on this newsletter or anything on our website, please give us a call on our
Freephone: 0800 727 8873, send us an email at:
Kind Regards
Stephen Finch & David Percival
Specialty Seeds - New Zealand