TM Ag Soil Activator
For the last couple of years I've been keeping my eye on a product called TM soil activator from a company called Best Environment Technologies which is now available in New Zealand.
Best Environmental Technlogies was established in Edmonton, Canada in 1999 and has expanded its operation throughout Canada, North America, Europe, Africa, Australia and now New Zealand.
It's in in Australia that I first ran into TM as Specialty Seeds Australia ltd have an agency for it.
I'm normally a bit of a sceptic of these sorts of products however whenever I visited Australia I kept getting consistent stories of how successful the product has been on all farms it has been used on.
In addition to this anecdotal evidence there has been some very good study results in New Zealand. Some of the points for discussion following this study have included, improved germination and pasture establishment, higher cropping and forage crop yields, increased ryegrass tiller numbers and improved soil structure.
Much the same comments I have received from our Australian farmer clients, who would also include better insect protection in their comments.
What is TM Ag?
TM Ag is a low cost soil ameliorant designed to kick start and increase beneficial biological activity in the soil, beginning with the bacteria and fungi that all other soil life depends on. Although TM Ag contains natural trace nutrients, its primary aim is to stimulate the vast array of indigenous soil organisms to do their work.
Who and how is TM being used?
TM is currently being used by many farmers in the countries, mentioned above, in arable cropping, forage cropping and pastoral situations.
Best results are achieved when TM is applied (@250 mls / hectare) 2-8 weeks prior to planting and in cropping (arable and forage) situations a second application (@250 mls / hectare) is recommended 6-10 weeks after crop establishment. TM can be mixed with most herbicides, insecticides and fertilizers has no stock withholding period for animals and can be applied in the rain.
During the next few months I'll be talking more about TM soil activator. Until then if you want more information on TM please follow these links or contact us.
Download Link: Download the
TM Agricultural Soil Activator brochure.
Download Link: Download the
Evaluation of TM Soil Amendment report.
Contact Link: Contact Specialty Seeds for any enquiries.
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Kind Regards
Stephen Finch & David Percival
Specialty Seeds - New Zealand